Thursday, February 24, 2011

Come on Shards!

Its been a minute since we've been excited to the point of counting the minutes till servers (or shards) in a game go live. Even though both of us have a day job we will be at least popping in on our break to roll our toons and get our names saved. You never know when someone else wants the same name. It will be interesting to see what the rush is like in game. With launches before I've seen questing hubs so covered up you can't even hardly click on the npc, I'm sure this will be no different in some ways since the excitement for this game is so high. But it may not be quite as a bad with the head start. Then again it is very possible that a large portion of the player base that was in the beta is treating the head start like launch day like we are. Here come the rifts!

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